Feed Yourself – Tips

Piles of different spices

The Feed Yourself series is dedicated to individuals that cook just for their selves. This goes out to everyone that finds them self wanting to cook but dreading the time, effort, and all the clean up needed to just cook for one. It can honestly be a quick, easy, and enjoyable process! The following ideas can […]

7 Ways to Enhance the Flavor of Your Meals

Cooking at home is a great way to cut food costs and know exactly what you are eating but at times it can be intimidating. It’s sometimes just simply not taste as good as a store or restaurant meal. Here are some tips to enhance the flavor of your meals from the Academy of Nutrition […]

AND Opposes Harmful Health Care Legislation

“The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics opposes the American Health Care Act, the harmful health care legislation passed May 4 by the House of Representatives, and recommends that the Senate oppose H.R. 1628.” http://www.eatrightpro.org/…/academy-opposes-harmful-health…

Feed Yourself – Tips

Scrabble blocks which read tips and tricks

The Feed Yourself series is dedicated to individuals that cook just for their selves. This goes out to everyone that finds them self wanting to cook but dreading the time, effort, and all the clean up needed to just cook for one. It can honestly be a quick, easy, and enjoyable process! Keep these tips in […]

The “True” Human Diet

Caveman carrying tray of fast food

Hello all, Have you heard of the “Paleo diet” also commonly referred to as the Cave Man diet. The idea behind the diet is that we need to go back to eating what cave men eat. As a dietitian, I personally do not endorse a lot of different diets. The Paleo diet is especially concerning […]

Does a healthy lifestyle guarantee a long life?

We sometimes make the mistake of believing a healthy or nutritious diet means we are going to live forever. This leads to unrealistic expectations and adverse reactions to when we do get sick despite “eating well”. Eating well is just ONE component of living a healthy life. It can help shift the odds in our […]

Feed Yourself – Spices

Cutting board with fork and knife and salt and pepper shakers.

The Feed Yourself series is dedicated to individuals that cook just for their selves. This goes out to everyone that finds them self wanting to cook but dreading the time, effort, and all the clean up needed to just cook for one. It can honestly be a quick, easy, and enjoyable process! Spices are an essential […]

Vitamin FAQ – Vitamin D

Sunset over the water

What is Vitamin D? Vitamin D or Calciferol is a fat soluble vitamin which means it is absorbed via fat absorption pathways. It is often called the sunshine vitamin because it’s the only vitamin that we can get from direct exposure to sunlight. What does Vitamin D do? Vitamin D plays a vital role in […]

Feed Yourself – Staple Foods

Two pots on a stove, the front pot with boiling pasta.

The Feed Yourself series is dedicated to individuals that cook just for their selves. This goes out to everyone that finds them self wanting to cook but dreading the time, effort, and all the clean up needed to just cook for one. It can honestly be a quick, easy, and enjoyable process! The idea of staple […]

Vitamin FAQ – Vitamin A


What does Vitamin A do? Vitamin A plays important roles in multiple body functions. It maintains the integrity of the cornea (in the eye); plays a role in skin, bone, and teeth growth; has immune functions and also helps regulate the production of reproductive hormones. Basically, Vitamin A plays a role in a lot of […]